
The Lansdale High School football team rallied through another successful grid season and although no Championship was acquired, in the words of Coach Cowan, "the team was anything but mediocre." When the whistle blew for the finish of the final game and the din of cheering died away, Lansdale's accomplishment of a big nine game season proved five wins, two ties and two defeats.
The season started with a bang by the Maroon grid men defeating Quakertown 19-6. The following game with Souderton also proved a win by 20-0. Ambler turned the tables for a win for them, leaving the score 0-19. Not to be discouraged by an upset like this Maroon came back with a 26-0 victory over Sell-Perk. A loss to Springfield of 6-26 couldn't stop the Maroon against Hatboro 20-0 and Jenkintown 15-0. The season ended with two tie games with Nazareth 12-12 and 0-0 with Doylestown.
Coach Cowan commended his team by naming them the best balanced, in all departments, he had tutored at Lansdale.
Sixteen members of the team received letters. They are as follow: Moyer, Mininger, Barboni, Keyser, Cash, Hunter, Dysart, Margerum, Reimers, KuIp, Starrett, Edwards, Trump, O'Hara, Curley and Shrader. Letters were also awarded to co-managers Arthur King and Carl Rhoads. Of these sixteen lettermen, twelve are Seniors and four will return for another campaign. The team chose Bob Dysart and Bob Mininger to lead the Maroon next season and we wish them lots 0f success.
The two Coaches awarded the "Most Valuable Player" trophy to Bob Margerum and the "Most Improved" to William Starrett. The players were treated at their annual banquet by the presence of Alonzo Stagg, Jr.
Bob Mininger was placed on the all Bux Mont team and Bob Margerum and Captain Floyd Cash were placed on the second team.
- Taken from the 1941 Lansdale High School Yearbook.