
The Lansdale High School football team battled its way through another successful season to take second place in the Bux-Mont League. When the final count was taken, the Huskies had won six games, lost two, and tied one.
In spite of the delayed school opening which permitted only two weeks of practice, our two new coaches, Mr. Crawford and Mr. Poust, built a strong team. The proverbial powerhouse team of Nazareth was held to a scoreless tie. Next Lansdale marched to Quakertown, coming home with a 31-0 victory. The Souderton Indians had a taste of Husky power in the game that ended 26-0. Next Lansdale waded through Ambler to top the Trojans, 6-0. Then came the gruelling week during which Lansdale played three games. Sell-Perk bowed, 26-0; they were followed by the Jenkintown eleven, who left the gridiron after a Husky triumph, 12-0. The week ended with a 28-0 victory over Springfield. The final two games, though hard fought, were losses. Hatboro won the championship by a 13-6 score; Doylestown obtained the Legion Trophy when the Huskies were defeated, 13-0.
The end of the season saw four squad members on the All Bux-Mont Team. Bob Margerum was chosen for the first team; and "Hubba" Virgilio, "Lefty" Landes, and Joe Curley received recognition on the second team.
The squad members who received letters were: Co-captains Bob Dysart and Bob Mininger, Bob Margerum, Joe Curley, Jack Negele, "Lefty" Landes, "Hubba" Virgilic, Herb Rader, Norm Vincent, Don Zander, "Stump" Joseph, George Starrett, Jack Graham, "Chick" Roos, "Pat" Reese, Jacque Edwards, Bill Eccles, Mort Godshall, Roland Willis, "Pud" Helman, George Spayd, and Manager Gordon Grant. Of these twenty-one lettermen, twelve are seniors, five return for next year's campaign, and three will still be fighting in '43. Next year's Huskies will be led by Jack "Skinny" Graham. Best of luck, boys!
This year, the Denoften Club memorial award went to Bob Mininger, the best all-around athlete. The Duffy Clement "Most Valuable Player" trophy was presented to Bob Margerum again by the Coaches. The "Most Improved" player of the season was "Lefty" Landes. A new defensive trophy was awarded for the first time this year. "Stump" Joseph received this trophy.
-Taken from the 1942 Lansdale High School Yearbook.
