
First Row: J. Bunting, R. Cash, T. Doyle, E. Cossman, G. Spayd, Captain W. Helman, P. Macoily, H. Schmeig, H. Miller, H. Moyer. Second Row: Coach Poust, L. Palmarozza, G. Cooper, T. Carroll, J. Wambold, J. Hazzard, T. Mininger, K. Hacker, C. Alderfer, C. Polidoro, E. Quinn, Assistasit Coach Fisher. Third Row: Manager W. Swartley, 1. Famularo, L. Reimers, E. Smith, H. Ryzner, L. Saylor, T. Pennise, F. Albertson, R. Johnson, R. Williams, J. Renner, R. Snyder.
On the gridiron the Lansdale High eleven completed their most successful campaign in four years with the great record of seven victories and one defeat to place second in the Bux-Mont Scholastic League. This year’s Maroon pigskin edition also had the best scoring record in over a decade.
Talented grid mentor, Kenneth Poust, guided the fortunes of the Maroon and White for the second season with Russel Fisher as his ever-present assistant.
With summer making its dying gasps, our Huskies traveled to Upper Moreland to open the season and emerged victorious by a substantial 26-0 count in a non-league tussle. The following week found the Maroon on the road again; this time a fighting Quakertown eleven was subdued, 21-0. The Souderton Indians provided the opposition in the Huskies debut at home, and although heavily outweighed, our boys fought all the way to overwhelm the Big Red, 37-0.
Captain Helman returned to the line-up after a two-week absence because of a knee injury sustained in the opener, and the Maroon invaded Ambler to return with a 39-6 verdict over the always tough Trojans. The Huskies kept on the victory trail as they shifted into high gear to lace the highly-rated Sell-Perk team, 31-0, on the local turf.
Under a dreary October sky the powerful Lansdale and Springfield grid machines met to decide the championship. In the most titanic struggle of the season our Huskies outplayed the favored Spartans only to lose, 7-2, on a bad break early in the game.
Undaunted by their reverse of the previous week the Maroon stormed into, Hatboro, and after a shaky start, they surged forward to wallop the Hatters, 33-0. A tough Jenkintown club combined with a frigid temperature to hold the Husky scoring power in check, but the Maroon emerged on the long end of a 6-0 score.
With revenge in their eyes and fight in their hearts our grid warriors arrived at Doylestown for the annual Thanksgiving Day fracas, intent on breaking a three-year Seater jinx. After some first period jitters wore off, the Maroon and White proceeded to win back the Legion Trophy, 27-6, in a hard-fought, well-played game.
This year the Duffy Clement “Most Valuable Player” trophy went to Captain Helman. Rugged guard, Bob Cash, received the Gardiner Spring “Most Improved Player” trophy, while Jim Bunting, our talented junior quarterback, received the Russell Bright Award.
Positions on the All Bux-Mont Team were won by Wayne Helman, end; Bob Cash, guard; and Jim Bunting and Carl Polidoro, backs.
Backfield ace, Carl Polidoro, was chosen to lead the 1944 Husky eleven.
Information posted by Eric Zebluim from the 1944 Lansdale High School Yearbook.
