
Top Row: Bill Burns, Bernard Fischer, Jack Renner, Frank Albertson, Robert Keyser, Norman Nelson, Harry Long, Maynard Rothenberger. Third Row: Mr. Poust, Bill Smith, Robert Curly, Richard Englert, Walter Rhue, Kenneth Meyers, Thurlow Mininger, Walter Vilsmire, Mr. Fisher. Second Row: Richard Heckler, Gene Young, Frank Foglio, Clement Polidoro, Edward Smith, Henry Ryzner, Charles Johnson, Eugene Saylor, Richard Quade, Luther Lightcap. First Row: Jim Bunting, Louis Reimers, Chester Alderfer, Anthony Carcausa, Carl Polidoro, Jim Wambold, Ned Kulp, Hobart Moyer, Bill Swartley.
Cheers roar across the field to break the momentary silence which follows the familiar strains of the “Star Spangled Banner.” As the cheering section jumps to its feet, a whistle sounds and the familiar hollow kick of the ball tells us the game is under way.
This is a typical football game of the Husky Football Squad which has completed another season. The team numbered SO, but only 34 players finished with the squad. In the win and loss column the Huskies placed second in the league, winning 7 games and losing 2.
The most depressing day of the year was the afternoon we journeyed to Jenkintown and returned without the little brown jug. It was snatched from us in a 13-12 game. Since the contest between the two schools was initiated, this was the first time the jug has not come to Lansdale.
1944 will long be remembered as a year in which Doylestown made a fruitless trip to Lansdale. The Huskies emerged victorious but muddy with a score of 6-20. This win alone made the team feel as if its season was a complete success.
Lansdale ran into reverses in the first game when Springfield defeated the Huskies 26-13. The next week the team redeemed itself by rolling up a 6-32 score against Hatboro. Again the Huskies made a quick comeback by defeating Upper Moreland 7-26 and Quakertown 0-46.
The remainder of the season was victorious. We defeated Souderton 0-40, Ambler 6-21 and Sell-Perk 6-25.
The squad this year was peppy and scrappy, always having that extra something to come from behind and win. Assisted by Mr. Fisher, Coach Kenneth Poust, more than anyone else, has acquainted himself with the boys and their peppy enthusiasm and co-operative nature. Capt. Carl Polidaro, James Bunting, George Cooper, Ches. Alderfer Hobart Moyer, Jim Wamold, Thurlow Mininger and Tony Caracausa filled the senior ranks of graduating lettermen. Next year's co-captains, Ed SMith and Lou Rheimers, have a promising squad to back them up. Players like Eugene Saylor, Frank Albertson, Charles Johnson, and Frank Foglio will be back again next year.
Information posted by Eric Zebluim from the 1945 Lansdale High School Yearbook.
