
Bottom Row: Richard Heckler, Mgr.; Harry Long, Franklin Albertson, Raymond Williams, Frank Foglio, Louis Reimers, Edward Smith, Eugene Saylor, Henry Ryzner, Elmer Wood, Charles Johnson. Second Row: Thaddeus Luczak, Richard Quinn, Louis Guiliano, Clem Polidoro, John Smith, Edward Jelen, Walter Vilsmeier, Kenneth Myers, Norman Nelson, Eugene Young, Reese Ruediger, Robert Keyser, Kenneth Moyer. Third Row: Mr. Poust, Coach; William Moss,
Richard Englert, Frank Malack, Edwin Choyce, Salvatore Calise, Robert Magill, Robert Curley, Dalton Kuder, Jack Robbins, John Gemi, William Robbins, David Hartman, Robert Wambold, Charles Hartley, John Waters, Mgr.; Mr. Margerum, Assistant Coach.
This year the proteges of Coach Ken Poust, under the capable leadership of their co-captains Lou Reimers and Ed Smith, drew “out of the bag” a share in the Bux-Mont League championship. The season ended in a triple tie for first place with Ambler, Springfield, and Lansdale sharing the honors.
At the beginning of the year the prospects of a successful season did not look promising. With few returning lettermen and little talent, the Huskies seemed doomed.
During the first few games, the Huskies looked “ragged,” but at times showed semblances of a championship team. It was not until after the Springfield game that they really “found themselves,” and proved that they were worthy of top honors.
In the opener against Souderton the Huskies romped to an overwhelming victory of 53-0; the second, a night game with Ambler, was a close win of 6-0. Next they defeated Sell-Perk 18-6. Then came the heartbreaker— the Lansdale lads lost to Springfield 12-7. Staging a comeback, the Huskies sent the “Hatters” down to a 20-6 defeat.
On the following Saturday, November 3, the Lansdale gridders played the number one game of the year— Jenkintown. It was in this game that the Huskies really showed their power. The Jenkintown gridders were badly beaten, the game ending with a score of 37-6.
Q uakertown, a supposedly weak team, literally tore our team apart. Despite injuries and setbacks, however, Lansdale won, 26-0.
Last but not least, came Doylestown—the annual Thanksgiving Day game. The Lansdale Huskies had a field day and came out on top, 32-6.
The Seniors who played their last game for the maroon and white were Ed Smith, Lou Reimers, Eugene Saylor, Franklin Albertson, John Smith, Charles Johnson, Frank Foglio, Ray Williams, Ed Choyce, Harry Long, John Gemi, Elmer Wood, and Henry Ryzner.
Ed Smith, end, John Smith, tackle, and Eugene Saylor, back, won positions on the All Bux-Mont team.
Frank Foglio, our hard-fighting guard, was given the Russel Bright award, and voted the “most valuable player” of this year’s team. Our hard-hitting halfback, Lou Reimers, was voted the most improved player of the 1945 season. Frank Albertson, Montgomeryville’s pride and joy, proved to be the most outstanding player of last season’s Lansdale-Doylestown game and was awarded a gold football, presented by one of Lansdale’s enthusiastic football fans, Erwin Ford.
Robert Curley, a capable quarterback, is the captain of next year’s team. Returning with him are quite a few veterans of this year’s team. They are: Clem Polidoro, Charles Hartley, Dalton Kuder, Lou Guiliano, Eugene Young, Bob Magill, Walt Vilsmeier, Ed Jelen, Bob Keyser, John Fluck, Dick Englert, Norman Nelson, Charles Murdock, Dave Hartman, Sam Calise, Frank Malack, and Bob Wambold.
Much will ‘be done by next year’s team we are sure. Here’s wishing them luck in securing the championship again.
Information posted by Eric Zebluim from the 1946 Lansdale High School Yearbook.
