
First Row: J. Bookheimer, J. Lawson, R. Cliver, R. Deiley, W. Wiley, J. Curley, G. Antonacio, P. Calafati,
A. Flamino, R. Gerhart, C. Saldutti, D. Fryling, W. Woodward, J. Cadwa]lader. Second Row: K. Schmidt, W. Kingsbauer, R. Specht, H. Reed, R. Kriebe], D. Fischer, G. Leach, R. Lauchman, M. Purri, A. Famularo, H. Luciano, A. Moyer, D. Gallagher. Third Row: Mr.Whitney, Mr. Poust, R. Birkenbach, K. Martin, H. Sherratt, F. Schmidt, R. Robinson, J. Bean, R. Schrader, L. Farina, F. Lerro, B. Hemmerle, G. Tustin, Mr. Fisher. Fourth Row: M. West, A. Barndt, J. Miale, E. Rosenberger, F. Regli, S. Smith, M. Heckler, A. Trongone, W. Kingsbauer, F. Koehler.
The 1949 football team from LHS had a successful season. Although they didn’t “cop” first place, they did draw a tie with Ambler for second place. Coached by Ken Poust and his Assistants Russ Fisher and Ken Whitney, the Huskies, led by Cocaptains George Leach and Pete Fischer, left on Wednesday morning, August 25, for Camp Onas, their training camp and home for ten days.
When they returned home they began training for their first tilt. September 9 brought to the home field St. Matthew’s High School from Conshohocken, and the Huskies came out on top by a score of 34-7. The Youth Council donated a fine trophy to each outstanding player in the eleven games during the season. For his splendid line play against St. Matt’s., Co-captain George Leach was awarded the trophy.
For the second pre-season game, they took on the Berwyn team from Tredyffrin-Easttown. For the
third straight year LHS was the victor, this time managing to sneak by, 7-6. Bob “Shad” Schrader, for his splendid catch of the game winning TD, was presented with the Rec award.
The following week the Huskies traveled to Quakertown. They defeated the Panthers by a score of 20-0. The trophy was awarded to backfield man Mike Purri. The following week Lansdale took on the Red and White from Souderton. With little opposition, the fine ball carrying by little Wilmer Wiley, who hails from Montgomeryville and was the “player of the week,” the Indians were scalped, 33-0.
October 8, a hot Saturday afternoon, found the Maroon and White at Ambler High School. The team fought with all its might, but could not escape the clutches of the Trojans as it fell to defeat, 3 1-12. Co-captain Pete Fischer, the dominant figure in our forward line, won the little trophy for that game.
Lansdale racked up a 44-0 score against Sell-Perk to rebound into the victory column. Walt Kingsbauer, end from Kulpsville, received his award for being “player of the week.”
When the Springfield eleven invaded Lansdale, they knew they were in for a tough fight. When the final blast of the gun was heard, the scoreboard read 0-0. The “player of the week” was Charlie Sibel, our rangy end from Worcester.
In the Hatboro game it took the Huskies a while to get started. Once they got rolling there was no stopping them. By the end of this game the score had mounted to 40-0. The great running of halfback Franny Lerro won for him the Rec’s Player of the Week Award.
Again the traditional little brown jug game with J enkintown arrived. Lansdale “downed” the Drakes and retained the jug for another year. With the great blocking of Tony Famularo, the Huskies notched a 30-0 triumph, and Tony gained the privilege of receiving the Rec trophy.
With the chance of a possible second championship the Huskies journeyed to Upper Moreland.
Although the Golden Bears struck first, the Huskies, after some miscues which resulted in called-back touchdowns, bit into the Bears and tied the score. The team, led by Bob “Lauch” Lauchman, also the Rec’s “player of the week,” battled to a thrilling finish, but neither team scored again, and the game ended in a deadlock, 7-7.
The traditional Thanksgiving Day game arrived, and the Huskies went forth to meet the occasion and defeat the Hornets 34-7. The game saw Co-captain George Leach take to the backfield and eat up yardage until he scored his only 6 points of the season. The last Rec award went to Ronny Robinson, a junior, and one of our quarterbacks.
George Leach, Pete Fischer, and Walt Kingsbauer were elected to the All Bux-Mont first team, Mike Purri and Tony Famularo to the second team, and honorable mention was given to Ronald Robinson. The most valuable player award was presented to George Leach, the most improved player award to Ron Robinson, and the award for blocking the most kicks went to Bob Lauchman.
Information posted by Eric Zebluim from the 1950 Lansdale High School Yearbook.
